to do before i leave
1. Gather clothes. 2. Find new toothbrush. 3. Transfer shampoo to smaller bottle. 4. Gather bills. 5. Charge cell phone. 6. Make sure we have maps. 7. Clean out fridge. 8. Take out trash. 9. Don’t forget cards. 10. Mail postcard and card. 11. Unplug toaster oven. 12. Make sure we don’t forget Excedrin, Benadryl, sunscreen and Band-Aides. 13. Pack water in the a.m. 14. Address book. 15. Send email. 16. Print out journal requirements. 17. Find and pack new morning pages book. 18. Don’t forget Partner’s Program materials. 19. Pack soup for E. 20. Tea and evaporated milk. 21. Oh, and cups. 22. And spoons and church key. 23. Books. 24. Guide books. 25. Find moving notebook. 26. Good shoes. 27. Pocket tissues. 28. Hat. 29. Camera. 30. Sunglasses. 31. Contact info for people we are meeting up with. 32. Rosy toes and bucket. 33. Consider laundry detergent. 34. Key to LA. 35. Flip flops and bathing suit. 36. Find a “Chicago bag” (whatever that is). 37. Get a good night’s sleep. 38. Change razor blade. 39. Clean out purse. 40. Travel clock. 41. Thank you note to Aunt. 42. I know I am forgetting something. 43. Ten points if I find those receipts. 44. Nail clippers (you can take those when you are not flying). 45. Laundry bag. 46. Change sheets. 47. Clip board. 48. Pack nightgown, underwear and socks with cows. 49. Don’t forget snacks. 50. Music is taken care of. 51. Paper towels. 52. Post-it notes. 53. Stamps. 54. Pack laptop (like I’d forget that).
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