Wednesday, March 29, 2006

the smallest members of the class

they look like lollipops

Over the last several days three women who are currently partners (or recently graduated partners) have announced they are pregnant. As it turns out all were active at one point in the book club that I belong to. I think with the last announcement there are nine babies that have come out of that group. The last announcement was actually a second child from one of the women who had had her first last spring. It is a busy group. I am excited for all of them.

I don't think people realize how many partners of MBA students end up having children, some for the first time, while their husbands are studying. It makes sense in some ways, but also can add unexpected twists and turns to parenting. For example, trying to time things so the baby isn't born during final exams.

There are also many students who come to b-school with children, most under 3 years of age. This can also be hard because many people move away from family members and friends who have provided care and support. In addition to moving and finding a place to live, they have to find daycare and other services on top of everything else.

I have actually started getting email from several of the newly admitted students looking for help. It is a bit ironic, since I don't have kids, but I was part of The Family Appreciation Committee which helped update some information that Chicago Partners initially put together with information on childcare and schools in Chicago. I can't say I know what it is like, but I have heard stories.

A year before we arrived in Chicago a friend of mine from grade school came to Chicago so her husband could finish his surgical fellowship. At the time she had three children under five, and a fourth was on the way. She decided to take the year off from her practice as a GP, and be just a full-time Mom. It was also the first time she had ever lived more than a few miles from her parents, who were ever so happy to take one or all of her children when she needed a break. As you can imagine it was a bit crazy.

When she gave birth, she had two of her aunts come to town to help her out. She realized there was no way she could take care of a newborn and three little ones while recovering herself. They stayed for a couple of weeks and then she was back to doing it all again. Needless to say, she was happy to return to California. Still, she reported that overall she enjoyed the city with her children. She said she even managed to get on the bus with two toddlers and her pregant self. They had brought both of their cars, but often it was just easier to hop on the bus which stopped in front of her building.

These are a few books I have been recommending:

City Baby Chicago: Lots of information about things to do, services, and other important information to know about moving to and living in Chicago with a baby.

Windy City Baby: Even more information about living with small children in Chicago.

and of course:

Not For Tourists Guide to Chicago: This book is not just for people with children. It has detailed maps that show everything from the El lines (and stops) to the local schools and post offices in the area. It is a great way to learn about the many different neighborhoods that make up Chicago.

currently reading :: THE OPPOSITE OF FATE


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