Wednesday, December 03, 2008

mixed messages

semi sweet

Maybe it is just me, but it seems everywhere I turn, there are mixed messages. The other day I mailed a package at the post office. The line was to the door. This location has a machine that will let you weigh a package, and buy the postage. You can even add insurance or delivery confirmation. You can pay by credit card or cash, and it spits out a label. The idea is that you put the label on the package, and drop it in the box next to the machine. There is just one catch - because of heightened security, you cannot place anything over 13 ounces in said mailbox. Major fail.

I decided to go ahead and use the machine, even though my package was almost six pounds. I then walked it over to the counter and dropped it off, after applying the label. Of course it doesn't tell you this on the sign warning you not to put packages in the mailbox. In fact, as you go through the process of preparing your package for shipping it specifically asks you if your package will fit into the mailbox. Also it doesn't tell you not to deposit your package, despite knowing that it is larger than the guidelines stated. My package has safely arrived, so I guess we can move on.

When I took advantage of a Cyber Monday sale offering 25% off my order, I received an additional email with my order confirmation inviting me to a special sale. What? Didn't I just buy something from your sale?

I clicked out of curiosity. I ended up on a page with about a dozen items. These were basically the clearance rack. The really weird part is that this 'special sale' only gave me 20% off. Again - fail.

The mixed messages happened again last night when I published my post. The landing page said, "Your Post Published with Errors." And right below it said, "Your Post Published Successfully." So which was it? Did it have errors, or was it okay. Clearly it wasn't clear. Thankfully after waiting a few moments, it refreshed automatically and said that my post was okay. Still it was a bit disconcerting.

Maybe I am just more aware of these mixed messages because I know that I am going to be bombarded with them once B's family arrives. Personally, it drives me a bit batty.

I am down to 17 days. Crossed a few more items off the list. And also came upon a road block, which I could use to motivate me. We shall see.

on the night stand :: The Girl Who Stopped Swimming by Joshilyn Jackson

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