Sunday, November 29, 2009

why employers should not provide health insurance

angel hush

I know this isn't something I talk about often. I did, however, spend a number of years working for a large health insurance provider.

A few weeks ago, I listened to This American Life's 2-part series on health insurance reform. One of the most important questions it asked was why we should let our employers be in charge of our health insurance. The simple truth is, we shouldn't. Here are just a few reasons:

  • The reality is that people who sick, cannot work. So if you get sick, and can't work, and lose your job, guess what else you lose? That's right, your health insurance. And please don't say COBRA. Anyone who has ever had to rely on COBRA knows that it is only a good idea in theory. Here is a NYT's Op-Ed piece on just this issue.

  • Health care providers may have commercials in which they talk about the patient as being their customer, but the reality is if you have group health insurance from your employer - they are the customer - not you. Don't believe me. Ask what happens if your employer doesn't make a payment to your health insurance company. If you were to call your health insurance company, they wouldn't even tell you that your employer didn't pay, even if it was the reason they denied your claim.

  • Employers usually decide which health care plan to provide employees based on what is most cost effective for the employer. So if your needs differ, you are either paying for something inadequate, or paying for something you don't need.

  • Why have your health care (or of those in your family) tied to your job? There are many people out there right now who can't leave jobs they hate (or aren't serving them) for fear of losing health insurance. Conversely, why put your job at risk because you are forced to discuss a health issue of your or your family with your employer?

You can listen to This American Life's Episode 391: Less is More and Episode 392: Someone Else's Money for free at those links. I highly recommend you do. Then ask what real health care reform means.

on the night stand :: Trouble by Kate Christensen.

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